In my previous article, I promised to share some of my tips about how I managed to get our daughter as advanced as she is today.

I’m going to tell you about the key adjustments to your child’s routine. Now, the first thing you must remember is that you may find these adjustments challenging at first, should you wish to follow this method. However, if you can maintain a strong inner muscle and stick to the rules, you will be successful, and your child will reap the benefits. For us it was easy, as we simply outlawed it from the get-go, but I notice many people have made this part of their daily lives with their children. We do this as a means of keeping them busy, hence, some children have become addicted. So most children will resist this adjustment. Stand your ground and keep at it—the fruits of your efforts will be well worth it.


So here goes:


Rule no. one:

Outlaw all technological devises.

Yup, you heard me loud and clear. And I know you must be thinking, “BUT how am I supposed to if……?”

Hear me out for a moment.  Why do you think tech gurus such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had very strict rules around their own children’s use of these techno devises? Their kids were not even allowed to own phones or IPads before the age of 14! There is a purpose behind these two techno gurus banning tech devises from their children.

We outlawed all techno devises from our home since day one. For years, we have had an established routine. Our daughter is in bed every night by 7pm, leaving the grownups to indulge with the TV. Until then, we kept it switched off. Instead we kept plenty of real books. You know, the kind with paper backs that you can touch and feel. So visual stimulation was never a problem and in fact she got the visual stimulation authentically instead of synthetically, and we got to read to each other, which is always a pleasant experience to share between family members.

The same goes for phones, tablets and computers. These gadgets we only used (mostly) when we were not present with our daughter in a room. Perhaps it sounds challenging, but it can be done with commitment and self-discipline. This has always created a sense of presence, too, which allowed her the freedom to authentically relate with us—when she is with either myself or her dad, she can feel that she is getting quality time with either one of us.  It has brought about a sense of sacred attention within her, which added to her exceptional ability to engage and relate openly, joyfully, and clearly with those around her. And I believe there is nothing more powerful in this world, than a person who feels loved, supported and appreciated.

The benefits of outlawing or limiting these synthetic, highly addictive, visually stimulating devises are priceless. Our child has learned from an early age to explore nature, learn from it, find and appreciate the finer things in life as well as people. She has learned to do and appreciate simple things, such as basic math, by picking up stones and sticks while playing in the dirt, like children should be doing. She has learned to relate, truly relate to other people and children through being present at all times, without the distraction of a TV program or an online game that might have otherwise cut her off from connecting with whomever was there to engage and relate with her.

She is always happy to engage with people and has never asked to engage with electronic devises of any kind.

Now to most parents I am sure this rule may feel like it is going to be impossible to implement. However, remember that you are the parent. You make the rules and set the pace in your home, which is based on that which will be most beneficial for your child’s wellbeing as well as their development. If you feel you cannot or do not want to outlaw these devises at all, then at least try and keep it as a prize or benefit for good behavior. Perhaps a once a week, treat your child to a TV program for good work.

Children indulge in these TV programs and online games when they feel the need to escape reality or fill time. Don’t make it part of their daily routine.


Rule two.

As with anything in life, you cannot just remove an old habit without replacing it with a new one.

So here’s the deal: ensure you only ever buy toys that are educational. Never buy any other toys!

When I speak about toys, I mean tangible toys. Toys that you can touch, feel, move around, throw it, catch it, hit it, drop it, stand on it or ride it.

Not the kind that you place into a machine and lets your thumbs exercise whiles your mind is glued to a screen, all the while you are dying to get to the restroom, but you just have to first finish this one last part before you can attend to your own natural needs.

Perhaps you are thinking- ‘but how are they supposed to be kids without having cars, dolls etc?’

Trust me- they will get these kind of toys from other people on birthdays and Christmas. So they will never be short of anything.

If you are unsure about what educational toys are, think in terms of what can assist in the development of your child’s brain, coordination, body movement, etc.

The following toys are the kinds we always considered educational:


  • Balls, bats and rackets.
  • Musical instruments
  • Bicycles, roller-blades, skateboards etc.
  • Blocks
  • Games such as quiz games etc.
  • Domino’s
  • Playing cards
  • Alphabet or number magnets
  • Lego
  • Bean bags
  • Abacus
  • Paint
  • Books


There are plenty more toys to think of. If you are unsure if a specific toy is educational, look at the toy’s ability to expand your child’s mind and motor skills, and think about what toys will be most worth your child’s time for learning. If a toy does not allow for growth and expansion, or if the growth and expansion that it could provide is minimal in comparison to other toys, it is not educational.


Just these tips will establish a base for allowing your child to grow in their abilities and expand their gifts, along with a strong routine. I do not doubt for a moment that these tips will offer the same benefits for any other child who enters such a learning terrain.

In part 8, we will be exploring discipline and what that truly means.

Until then, happy homeschooling!