Resource reviews



You don't normally go looking for 'alternative schooling' until traditional schooling fails you. But once you've joined KOA, you wonder why you didn't look sooner. We have 3 kids, Grade 5, 6 and 8, all currently with KOA, each with completely different characters, personalities and learning styles. KOA has allowed them each to grow and [...]

KOA ACADEMY Review.2023-09-26T12:51:56+02:00

Classical Conversations Review


Classical Conversations is ideal for visual, kinesthetic and auditory learners. The program introduces students to an impressive amount of concepts. Through songs and movements memory work is covered, and lessons just seem to stick.   The Classical Conversations model involves community! Because families move through the program's content collectively, mothers are more likely to complete [...]

Classical Conversations Review2022-12-21T20:12:52+02:00

Wingu -Review.


I have always been pretty set on homeschooling. I finished my matrix by homeschooling so it was familiar for me. It took a bit of convincing for my husband but with the way national education currently looks for our country, there was no denying that homeschooling was the right route for our family. I follow [...]

Wingu -Review.2022-03-28T20:33:18+02:00

IEB, Cambridge or DBE: Which one to choose?


There are a number of systems available from which to study. The trouble is, which one does one choose? Most of the so-called ‘elite’ private schools use either IEB or Cambridge. All state schools are obligated to use the DBE systems, which is basically CAPS. It might help to understand some of the history of [...]

IEB, Cambridge or DBE: Which one to choose?2022-04-05T10:50:39+02:00

Nukleus resensie.


“Nukleus Onderwys is beslis ‘n skool van die huis af plesier. Buiten vir ‘n gestruktureerde kurrikulum is hulle diens en hulpvaardigheid uit die boonste rake. Nukleus se kurrikulum is Caps georieënteerd met boeke wat sorgvuldig saamgestel is met kleurvolle illistrasie in die laer grade asook baie gebruikers viendelik. Studente het handleidings waaruit hulle werk en [...]

Nukleus resensie.2021-09-14T11:03:56+02:00

Wingu Review- Wingu Resensie.


Ongelooflikke, toegewyde en professionele een tot een bystand. Baie goeie seleksie van onderwysers en span. Van deel word van die span, al die pad deur, het ek baie lanklaas sulke diens gesien en waar jy soos die enigste persoon op aarde behandel word. Content is verseker op Britse standaard en was op 'n besonderse mooi, [...]

Wingu Review- Wingu Resensie.2021-06-22T17:20:34+02:00

Nukleus resensie.


As 'n Mamma van 3 kinders almal onder 7 jaar oud, het ek gewonder hoe ek hierdie taak gaan aanpak om ons Graad R seuntjie te tuisonderrig. Na baie navorsing en moeilike keuses, het ons op Nukleus besluit. Die beste besluit wat ons kon maak. Elke module is met soveel sorg en omgee aan mekaar [...]

Nukleus resensie.2020-08-21T21:44:39+02:00

Do you need help with your teenagers behavior challenges?


How do we cope during these times of turmoil and uncertainty? The overwhelming external and internal struggles that we are facing as adults, as well as children and teenagers, are so immense. Our current situation is creating tremendous amounts of fear, which a lot of people do not know how to handle. Everything is changing [...]

Do you need help with your teenagers behavior challenges?2020-06-22T21:32:34+02:00

Nukleus Review


Magriet has used Nukleus for 4 years, after having previously used another curriculum for 2. Her daughter was starting Grade 12 in the year that Magriet changed to Nukleus. “It is very child and parent friendly,” says Magriet, “and the parent’s admin in minimal. My daughters (Grades 12 and 7) were able to handle their [...]

Nukleus Review2020-05-11T12:38:54+02:00

Brainline Review


Herculeen has been using Brainline for one term. Her child is currently in Grade 9, and they chose to follow the IEB route. “We are still new to Brianline, which is virtual schooling and available in both English and Afrikaans. It the Secondary school years it becomes more mathematical, and is much more challenging for [...]

Brainline Review2020-11-29T20:09:34+02:00