Legal environment

Concerning registration.


“When I first started homeschooling a few years ago I was utterly confused by the law – despite the fact that I am a qualified attorney holding a masters degree in law. After reading pieces of legislation, various websites and forums and talking to people at homeschooling expos, I came to the conclusion that the [...]

Concerning registration.2021-04-01T13:17:57+02:00

Pestalozzi Trust en die BELA Bill


Op 27 Januarie 2020 het die Pestalozzi Trust ‘n vergadering met die Minister van Basiese Onderwys, Mev Angie Motshekga, bygewoon. Die Pestalozzi Trust is een van die belanghebbendes wat deur die Minister uitgenooi is om die jongste 2019-konsepweergawe van die Wysigingswetsontwerp op Onderwyswette of die Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (BELA Bill) te bespreek. Ons [...]

Pestalozzi Trust en die BELA Bill2020-07-18T17:43:10+02:00



Terms and conditions for using this website: The information on this website is used at your own discretion and is for informational and entertainment purposes only. By using this website you acknowledge that takes no liability nor responsibility for any loss, damage, death or injury, through your use of any of the information [...]


Legal talk


Hoekom die Pestalozzi Trust? Ouers in Suid-Afrika is in ‘n dodelike stryd gewikkel. Dit is ‘n stryd om die harte en gedagtes en uiteindelik die lewens van hul kinders. Die stryd is teen die owerheidsmagte wat ouerinsette en -betrokkenheid uit die kinders se opvoeding wil weer. Alle ouers, ook tuisskoolouers, is in die stryd gewikkel, [...]

Legal talk2019-09-26T19:46:35+02:00