About Charlene Chauvet

Charlene is a homeschooling/educational advisor and a fearless retired sky diver, who traded her passion for the sport, to become a relaxed homeschool mother of a ‘one and only’ child. It was only after she sold her parachute, that she found out that homeschooling is not always as relaxed, as she anticipated. So in her attempt to escape those surprising ‘not so relaxed’ days, she enjoys baking, cooking, writing, fire Hoola hooping and Poi spinning. Her passion in life is children and her vision is leaving a world that is inheritable to our children and a world that works for everyone, everywhere. She loves doing charity work which adds value to the lives of children and babies and has spent many years in assisting with developing programs and running Consciousness Emergence workshops, which is designed to assist and support people with their relationships and self-development.

Life After School


You’re old enough to vote, drive, go to pubs, stay out late and do as you please. Ahh, those heady days of freedom! So, you’ve finished school now. Congratulations! 12 years of slog and hard work are behind you, but the daunting days of tertiary education lie ahead. What do you do now? There are [...]

Life After School2022-02-16T21:38:18+02:00

Things I’ve learned about homeschooling…as a dad and husband


My wife and I have been homeschooling our two for…what…nine years now, I reckon. I’d like to think that makes us veterans but that implies that we’re somehow experts at this and I’m not sure anyone truly becomes an expert. Oh, sure, you can learn the differences between the American High School Diploma and the [...]

Things I’ve learned about homeschooling…as a dad and husband2022-02-16T21:17:09+02:00

Juggling work, studying and homeschooling.


As a full time homeschool mother, wife, taxi driver, “family-medic,” “family-psy-chologist,” cheerleader, cook, cleaner, educator and just in general, a living, breathing human, I recently realized that my biggest dream for my child is to have a decent education that will grant her freedom for her future. As a child, I personally never had the [...]

Juggling work, studying and homeschooling.2022-02-03T16:21:27+02:00

2022 Home Education Expos


Dear Homeschooler, In South Africa and worldwide, we are observing a changing paradigm in education. In reflecting on the future readiness of their children and taking on self-responsibility, more and more parents are moving away from state-run education to other alternatives. This is especially evident in the fast-growing movement towards homeschooling – South Africa is [...]

2022 Home Education Expos2022-01-27T20:55:33+02:00

Red Alarm: Registrations Refused!


Red Alarm: Registrations Refused The Trust has for some time been aware of the developing problem in KwaZulu-Natal where learners are being refused registration for home education. It seems that the problem is now spreading to other provinces as well.   At first these refusals related primarily (to the best of our knowledge, exclusively) to learners [...]

Red Alarm: Registrations Refused!2022-01-19T21:31:04+02:00

Achievements- Sport


Dancer and performing artist, Andrea Nel,  took part at Stagequest SA from the 13th to 17 November 2021. She received a silver medal for her acrobatic solo performance and a gold medal for her lyrical solo performance as well as section winner in that category...  she was also part of a acro and lyrical group [...]

Achievements- Sport2021-12-20T11:02:05+02:00

When that rascal won’t co-operate.


Resistance vs. Motivation: When that rascal won't cooperate! One of the things I have noticed with people in general, may it be adults or children, is that we tend to enjoy taking the easiest route. I mean, who wouldn’t, right? It is simply human nature. Why swim upstream and build muscle to get fit, when [...]

When that rascal won’t co-operate.2021-12-16T15:21:07+02:00

How do I interest my child in reading?


I was almost a world authority on Pre-Industrial era stamps. I could see it all, stretching out before me. I would do the lecture circuit, travelling to Monaco and Paris, dining with other stamp greats in the Bahamas, sipping cocktails and waxing forth on English postal reform and the advent of the printing press. I [...]

How do I interest my child in reading?2021-12-09T20:32:07+02:00

Your’re done with school – What do you do now?


You’re old enough to vote, drive, go to pubs, stay out late and do as you please. Ahh, those heady days of freedom! So, you’ve finished school now. Congratulations! 12 years of slog and hard work are behind you, but the daunting days of tertiary education lie ahead. What do you do now? There are [...]

Your’re done with school – What do you do now?2021-12-09T17:04:47+02:00