About Charlene Chauvet

Charlene is a homeschooling/educational advisor and a fearless retired sky diver, who traded her passion for the sport, to become a relaxed homeschool mother of a ‘one and only’ child. It was only after she sold her parachute, that she found out that homeschooling is not always as relaxed, as she anticipated. So in her attempt to escape those surprising ‘not so relaxed’ days, she enjoys baking, cooking, writing, fire Hoola hooping and Poi spinning. Her passion in life is children and her vision is leaving a world that is inheritable to our children and a world that works for everyone, everywhere. She loves doing charity work which adds value to the lives of children and babies and has spent many years in assisting with developing programs and running Consciousness Emergence workshops, which is designed to assist and support people with their relationships and self-development.

On her way to fame!


10 Year old homeschooled Musician, on her way to fame!   Let me introduce you to Xia, my 10 years old “Music Angel” Xia was homeschooled from the get go, and didn’t even attend daycare.   Since Xia was a baby, we had a strict routine, with focus on discipline. We chose to follow a [...]

On her way to fame!2025-02-16T15:26:16+02:00

How South African online schools prepare students for university


While a university education remains a top aspiration for many young South Africans, and their parents, it’s a particularly challenging pathway in the country. Apart from the shortage of places limiting access, a persistently high percentage of students drop out before completion or don’t manage to achieve their degrees within the allotted time. In looking [...]

How South African online schools prepare students for university2024-12-03T14:13:11+02:00

Minister Confirms BELA Act Not in force.


⚖️Pestalozzi Trust⚖️   🚨BELA UPDATE - Minister confirms BELA Act NOT in force.   ‼️Minster of Basic Education has confirmed in a letter to the Trust that BELA Act is not in force. ‼️BELA Act will come into force when the commencement date is determined in the Govt. Gazette. ‼️Follow up letters will be sent [...]

Minister Confirms BELA Act Not in force.2024-11-05T21:47:45+02:00

What does the Law say about Homeschooling?


What Does The Law Say On Homeschooling? Sections 3 and 51 of the SA Schools Act, 84 of 1996, have a bearing on homeschooling. Also read more at this link under the section “Registration”. Section 3.   Compulsory attendance. (1)  Subject to this Act and any applicable provincial law, every parent must cause every learner for whom he or she [...]

What does the Law say about Homeschooling?2024-11-06T12:22:18+02:00

Pestalozzi Trust commits R2.35m to fight BELA Bill


Pestalozzi Trust commits R2.35m to fight BELA Bill   The Trustees of the Pestalozzi Trust have pledged an initial amount of R2.35 million from the Trust’s capital fund to challenge the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill in court, should it be passed into law. A principal goal of the Pestalozzi Trust as set out [...]

Pestalozzi Trust commits R2.35m to fight BELA Bill2024-11-06T12:23:14+02:00

Written Submissions to the NCOP.


RED ALERT National BELA Bill Written Submissions  to NCOP Open   The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) has officially invited written comments on the BELA Bill and you have until 19 January 2024 to send in your written submission.   This is the last opportunity at the national level to submit written comments. After this, [...]

Written Submissions to the NCOP.2024-09-22T13:21:17+02:00

Why do homeschoolers resist assessing our children?


Why do homeschoolers resist assessing our children? Well, firstly, let’s look at a school classroom. It consist of 20-30+ children and ONE teacher. So there is no way a teacher will know where she stands with each child, right? Therefore, the school system uses assessment’s and rightfully so. We respect and appreciate that. Now, let’s [...]

Why do homeschoolers resist assessing our children?2023-10-11T11:08:08+02:00

The Key to Successful Homeschooling= Discipline.


Those of you who have read my series: Nature vs. Nurture, Season 1, will know that I am a mother of thoroughness. I don't believe in half jobs. In my reality, we only give 100%. Even when it becomes boring, or sudden loss of interest. When we need to do something, we do it to [...]

The Key to Successful Homeschooling= Discipline.2023-09-29T12:23:14+02:00



You don't normally go looking for 'alternative schooling' until traditional schooling fails you. But once you've joined KOA, you wonder why you didn't look sooner. We have 3 kids, Grade 5, 6 and 8, all currently with KOA, each with completely different characters, personalities and learning styles. KOA has allowed them each to grow and [...]

KOA ACADEMY Review.2023-09-26T12:51:56+02:00

What is Home School?


I ‘ve noted a lot of confusion, especially in South Africa, about the term – homeschooling, and I have reason to believe, it is a direct result of some institutions, incorrectly (and sometimes even purposely) adopting this word in their logos, and advertising their services, under this term. To best start the explanation between the [...]

What is Home School?2023-05-18T19:48:55+02:00